Archive for November, 2008

Galadinner and Christmas concert

Ayadina Association plans to hold its annual fundraising Gala Dinner on December 18, 2008 The event will take place at the Ball room of the Phoenicia Hotel. Tickets: 100 $


8:00 pm  Arrival and seating of guests

9:00 pm  Documentary on Ayadina courtesy of Impact BBDO

9:15 pm  Fashion show by designer Joe Challita

9:40 pm  Dinner – raffle draw

10:15pm Songs interpreted by Grace

11:00pm Open floor for dancing

Join us on Friday December 19th at 7pm for a benefit Christmas concert featuring the IC Senior Choir, the I.C. little Cherubs, and the ACS Saxophone Quartet at Assembly Hall, AUB.


Every ticket sold entitles a sick and/or needy child to attend the concert too!


Proceeds go to Ayadina and Toufoula Associations.



ALL children have dreams

Help us make their dreams come true



Tickets are sold for L.L. 15,000 at AUB West Hall, IC Alumni Office, ACS Community Service Office, Maliks Bookshop



Fun at Ayadina

Today was a busy day…our senior citizens made their own “ftiré” with “homayda”, put them in the oven and ate them with taste. Even our men participated in the activity. At the same time it was an exercise for them. Mrs. Liza Batal also gave them gym exercises.  

ftire-3  ftire-21  ftire-22  ftire-29


drwwafic1Yesterday Dr. Wafa Wafic gave a medical lecture about diabetes, its dangers, symptoms and prevention. Our senior citizens listened very attentively as you can see, to know more about this disease so well know to many of them.

Thank you so much Dr. Wafic,

drwwafic-4  drwwafic-71 drwwafic-8



On October 26 Ayadina’s teachers and some volunteers attended a workshop given by Dr. antoine Khabbaz who is helping in setting up a counseling center at Ayadina. We feel ourselves lucky to have this opportunity and all participants were eager in learning about different types of abuse. We closed the workshop with a delicious lunch prepared as usual by Nuha 🙂