Archive for April, 2007

Jasenka drawing project

Yesterday we started with a new project. Mrs. Jasenka Tucan-Vaillant is a Croatian artist, married to a French man. She adores teaching drawing to kids. She has made exhibitions all over the world. Since she’s in Lebanon now, she started teaching drawing to 22 kids of Ayadina. At the end of the year she will hold an exhibition in which the children’s paintings shall be exhibited. The kids were very enthusiastic, it’s a mixture of different religions and even skin, but all with the same desire to learn how to draw.

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Article in Elaph newspaper

Yesterday appeared an article in Elaph newspaper, written by Rima Zahar:


Revue du Liban

Today an article appeared at the Revue du Liban about Ayadina, written by Micheline Abi Khalil. I scanned it, but advise you to buy it. It’s very nice!!Click on it to view full image.

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Happy Easter


Ayadina wants to wish you all a very Blessed Easter. Nice Holidays to all and God’s blessings over you and your beloved ones.


Easter with Senior Citizens

This morning 57 senior citizens celebrated Easter at the Center. Jamil Mundos animated the whole event on his organ. Our president Maya Najjar and some of the members were present: Elizabeth Batal, head of senior citizens, Madeleine Matar and Wafa Abdo. Abu Elias and Abu Ahmad recited poems and the ladies danced.

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As you can see, we always feast together, Muslims now  celebrate the Easter party and Christians join Muslims for the Suhour during Ramadan. This sharing is very valuable and in the core of our mission.